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MybringDesign System

Common terms

The common terms we use in different languages

A note on redundant words

The most important rule when writing and adding text is context, such as considering whether the words are for input or output. Some words are self-explanatory and don’t contribute much to the communication; some make it worse by cluttering the user interface. The table of relevant examples can help us evaluate if typical words in labels, headers or similar are redundant.

Word Example Explanation
Number Mobile number → Mobile Users usually understand that this is about mobile number and not model or a confirmation.
Package number → Package If the value is like 78493218749124123, it is easy to deduct that this is not an amount of packages.
Invoice number → Invoice number In this case, it is more correct to include number since "invoice" is not synonymous with "invoice number".
Number of Number of packages sent → Packages sent There is no way to misinterpret this number. If this is in a list of information, starting every line with "Number of" makes the list harder to scan. Notice the difference between package and packages and the clarity brought by the action "sent".

Terms reference

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Article number Artikkelnummer Artikelnummer Artikel nummer
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City Poststed Postort Bynavn
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Id Id Id Id
Invoice number Fakturanummer Fakturanummer Faktura nummer
Item type Type Typ Type
Items Antall kolli Antal kolli Antal kolli
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Last name Etternavn Efternamn Efternavn
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Mobile number Mobilnummer Mobilnummer Mobilnummer
Name Navn Namn Navn
Note Notat Notis Notat
Order number Ordrenummer Ordernummer Ordrenummer
Order status Ordrestatus Orderstatus Ordrestatus
Package Kolli Kolli Kolli
Pallets Paller Pallar Paller
Parcels Pakker Paket Pakker
Phone Telefon Telefon Telefon
Post containers Postcontainere Postcontainrar Postcontainere
Postal code Postnummer Postnummer Postnummer
Quantity Antall Antal Antal
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Recipient Mottaker Mottagare Modtager
Reference Referanse Referens Reference
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