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MybringDesign System


Declaring element width



Size min-width max-width deprecatedmax-width width deprecatedwidth > 62.5em deprecated> 62.5em
4rem w4r w3
5rem minw5r w5r
6rem minw6r w6r
7rem minw7r
8rem minw8r maxw8r mw4 w8r w4
9rem minw9r
10rem minw10r maxw10r w10r
12rem minw12r maxw12r w12r
16rem maxw16r mw5 w16r w5
20rem maxw20r
24rem maxw24r
32rem maxw32r mw6
40rem maxw40r
44rem maxw44r
48rem maxw48r mw7
64rem maxw64r mw8
80rem maxw80r
96rem maxw96r
100vw maxw100vw
max-content maxwmaxc
auto wauto w-auto wauto-l w-auto-l
100% maxw100p mw-100 w100p w-100 w100p-l w-100-l


Really long lines are difficult to read. Readability is better when we avoid lines becoming longer than 80 characters. Add this class to an element to make long lines wrap nicely at a recommended maximum width.

  <!-- useful to wrap long lines of text -->


All of these, except the 100 % classes, are not recommended for building any new layouts. We have moved away from the use of these as a way to achieve responsiveness.

Size max-width deprecatedmax-width width deprecatedwidth > 62.5em deprecated> 62.5em
5% w5p w-5 w5p-l w-5-l
10% w10p w-10 w10p-l w-10-l
15% w15p w-15 w15p-l w-15-l
20% w20p w-20 w20p-l w-20-l
25% w25p w-25 w25p-l w-25-l
30% w30p w-30 w30p-l w-30-l
33.3% w33p w-33 w33p-l w-33-l
40% w40p w-40 w40p-l w-40-l
50% w50p w-50 w50p-l w-50-l
60% w60p w-60 w60p-l w-60-l
66.7% w66p w-66 w66p-l w-66-l
70% w70p w-70 w70p-l w-70-l
75% w75p w-75 w75p-l
80% w80p w-80 w80p-l
85% w85p w-85 w85p-l
90% w90p w-90 w90p-l
100% maxw100p mw-100 w100p w-100 w100p-l w-100-l